Saturday, February 25, 2012

The hyacinth girl

'You gave me hyacinths first a year ago;
'They called me the hyacinth girl.'
-Yet when we came back, late, from the hyacinth garden,
Your arms full, and your hair wet, I could not
Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither
Living nor dead, and I knew nothing,
Looking into the heart of light, the silence.

                                           in Wasteland, T.S.Eliot

Czech glass beads, silk, Vintaj chain, Swarovski pearls, lava beads, copper wire, and handmade ceramic beads and focal by Michelle Johnston (Chellev2).

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mermaid Tales

The story of the beautiful mermaid that wanted to feel the earth beneath her feet.

The fish and creatures of the sea are her confidants.

One day, her wishes come through and she steps on land for the very first time...

Her beloved is frantically looking for her (yes, I know, there are some gaps in the story, but you have a good imagination, don't you? Besides, I couldn't depict the whole story 'cause if someone ever buys the necklace, they can't be walking with their chin on the ground from the weight of the 300 pages, now can they?...)

They fall into each other's arms and live happily ever after.

The End.

Inspired by Linda Larsen's journal in the Handcrafted Jewelry e-magazine.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Starting my jewelry making adventures not so long ago, I started buying everything I could get my hands on; (NB: I am not implying I no longer buy everything I can possibly my imaginary bank manager can attest to...SIGH) I knew little of metals, had trouble deciphering the sizes of beads and components, and had no clear idea of want I wanted to do with the little techniques I had started playing with.
So I bought a few items that I tossed aside as soon as I got them.
That's what happened with the copper-plated components below.
(If there are any palm-readers out there, feel free to send me your findings).

At the time, all I knew to do was to stick a bead onto a ready made headpin, make a standard wrapped loop and boom - a boring earring.  I might not have known much about making jewelry then, but I could tell they wouldn't make nice pieces.

Going through my stash the other day, I came across them again. This time I had a few more techniques under my belt. Could I actually make something nice with them? Hmmm...

So I applied a patina to the components, got some nice pictures that I glued to them, covered with Ice Resin, made headpins and earwires which were patinated, cleaned with steel wool, tumbled, and wrapped with freeform or fat wraps with various gemstones.

Now that's what I call transformers!

I'm quite happy with them! And I didn't waste my components. Sweet...

Ok, I think this post needs a break from all those dangles... (and so do I - there were 56 copper headpins handmade and wrapped with small beads...aarrghhh). Here's something  different.

I think the teal ones look like little people.

Talk to you soon.